BMM Inc held its AGM on 7 April 2022. The 2021 committee was unanimously voted back in by the members, with no changes. The AGM minutes are available upon request from the Secretary.
After the AGM, members were treated to a presentation by Emily Spence in 'My journey as a film maker'.
Emily, who hails from Sheffield in the UK, began her directorial, acting and production debut when she was a mere 8 years old, but sadly her Tarantino-esque master piece (bank robbery, someone's face got shot off at a same sex wedding, becomes a vigilante) got lost (editors tip: video makers, remember to back up your work!). Her foray into video production was launched later when Emily got involved in a series of music videos as a roadie, behind the scenes documenter and videographer. Her equipment consisted of an iPhone 4 and a Canon Powershot A2400.
After earning her diploma in Cinematography, Directing, Producing and Editing, Emily was involved in producing 5 short films for the F-Game and Gemini. In 2017, Emily co-produced and won the Audience Choice Award for her music video for 2Weeks2MakeIt (editors note: like the 48 hour film festival, but done in 336 hours). She then went on to becoming an actor, runner and production/costume assistant for a number of local productions and has volunteered at various Australian writer, film and comedy festivals. She aspires to become a producer of her own web series. Look out Netflix!
Emily then treated the members to a showing of a short of the F-Game, shot in 2016. The BDSM themed video production possibly had a few members of the BMM audience blushing; however Emily's excellent camera work and subject matter made for compelling viewing.
Just before the meeting wrapped, David mentioned that he will be offering up to $1,000 per production in seed money for the upcoming 11 Tomorrow's due in March 2023, with pitch work to commence in May 2022.