Happy New Year to all. Hope 2023 is a brilliant year!
We had a healthy turn out of 23, considering it was the first meeting of the year after the festive break.
We welcomed Jan and Paul O (guests) and briefly, Jayden.
Announcements: Membership Subscriptions are due for this calendar year and payable to Damian by 31st January -$60 (single or couple); $30 (student or country)
The committee is also looking for members to take on the following supporting roles to the committee:
- Website Co-ordinator (report to Vice President)
- Workshop Co-ordinator (report to President) - Welcoming officer/membership (report to Treasurer) - Film Festivals and Film Events (communicate with members as to appropriate events) report to marketing manager. - Marketing Manager and Public Relations Group / Team (Media, sponsorships, sourcing outlets for movies e.g. Aurora Community TV, club uniforms) - Audio Visual Operations Head / Team (Run or assist with the various audio visual needs at club meetings) report to Vice President. - Equipment Borrowing Officer (EBO) report to secretary. - Liaison with HUB: (get forms filled out for new members, promote other activities of Hub) – report to President. - Club History Officer – report to secretary. - Competitions Organiser – both UGG and John Roberts …communicate with club/reminders of competition/ suggestions how to go about etc report to president. - Film Activities Co-ordinator – organise specific events to promote skill improvement in members (report to Vice President).
UGG competition - 14 themes, as per member input from last year:
See the UGG competition ideas below:
My Journey as a Film Maker: Ross
Ross wanted to help musicians, driven by a personal journey starting with his son. He wanted to extend his knowledge and went to Griffith Uni. He is currently studying a Masters in Film Making. He has been a script writer and director, but his specialisation is being a music producer. Ross spends 70% on mixing sound which builds on his music background.
He has a studio from which he makes LP's and EP's demo videos. He has produced over 800 music videos since 2017. The youngest performer was 8 and the oldest was 76!
'A dream comes true' is a documentary of a musician he did whilst at Uni, requiring significant sound design. Afterwards, Ross emphasised the need for B-roll footage for any production. Ross also showcased 'Lullaby of Birdland', 'This is me', and 'With or Without you, sweet child of mine'. We unfortunately ran out of time to see more of Ross's other work.
Heather then presented two pitches
The Special One & Custody - she's looking for actors, directors and producers willing to take on her creative writings and turn them into master pieces
BMM Showcase 2022 recap
After the break, Peter A recounted how the BMM 2022 Showcase was a very successful evening, and presented a behind the scenes perspective of the evening.
Our Punny President Pete then showed his 'Homeless at Christmas' production which was all shot on his iPhone 14 pro, with Glenn then following up with his behind the scenes take.
Next meeting 2 Feb 2023
Guest presenter - Stewart on filming in a studio
We will go through the survey from late last year to determine individual learnings and club/member goals
11 Tomorrows
Next meeting is at David's studio on 26 January
Author: Nigel O'Neill