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What's a Teleprompter?

Writer: GlennGlenn

Whilst numbers were a bit down due to illness, traffic and the winter cold, we still had an enthusiastic turnout, on the 4th August.

Glenn hosted the evening, advising that Peter was still in Canberra due to family commitments and was also recovering from the dreaded 'lurgy' and a self-inflicted injury he sustained during filming of his latest masterpiece: something about being trussed up with his hands behind his back and impersonating a whale, unfortunately tripping over in the process and doing a face plant. (Editor's note: Talk about giving your all to your craft!). We look forward to seeing outtakes in the director's cut of that production.

Skills sessions

The first half of the evening commenced with a rotation of 3 skill sessions run over an hour

  1. GoPro - members were left to their own devices and a YouTube video to assemble the club's new GoPro. Thankfully someone knew how to reassemble the unpacked kit at the end of the evening! Note: The club has a Hero 9 Go Pro with accessories that members can borrow.

2. Editing drone footage - Glenn showed members how to use Davince Resolve to edit and colour grade drone footage to make it pop.

3. Setting up teleprompter - Nigel ran the teleprompter setup session. Thanks to John for figuring out how to secure the hood! DavidW seems keen to use it in future.

After the break, we embarked on:

My journey as a film maker - Jenn

Jenn joined BMM when we still domiciled in Toowong. She started her film makers journey by getting involved firstly behind the scenes and got her introduction into film making via a pop up movie: Hammer & Podge, which she edited in Pinnacle. The gimbal did prove challenging, but she gave it a red hot go! She reprised her maniacal character's role in Hammer: Unhinged, then dabbled in filming and editing on her own: The Crab Movie. She deliberately involved herself in various member movies and club projects such as a music video shoot, Lies and Love and Peppered Red (for the 48 hour film festival). Not content with her skills, Jenn decided to formally hone her craft and enrolled in a QSFT certificate course where she was a producer and assistant director of Death and Taxis. Whilst still learning to edit on a PC, Jenn then shot and edited a project on Power Director on a mobile phone (why not?), and followed that up by filming a number of community projects for the MtGravatt Saturday Night Markets including Mirror Man. As her confidence grew, she started doing impromptu projects - Fan Dancer and Lust (painting with people), then expanded her acting and directing repertoire in Worst Day Ever. She was the first to use the clubs new Panasonic S5 camera to shoot a screen test for cancer awareness. )Editor's note: I am convinced Jenn is a real medico). Before our Treasurer Emily left for the Land of the Rose, she collaborated to shoot a short movie about making Pizza. Watch out MKR! Most recently, Jenn has been involved conducting fascinating interviews of Neal and Val, our foundation members of BMM. We look forward to seeing and hearing and seeing the tapestry of our club immortalised in film. All this experience has culminated with Jenn becoming the 1st club member to achieve the Competent Film Award under the Club's recognition program. Well done, Jenn. In closing Jenn acknowledged the many club members that have helped her along on her journey. (Editor's note: Nevertheless, Jenn would not be where she is today if not for her motivation and drive to get involved).

Not content with one My journey as a film maker, we then got to hear from Jonathan a.k.a. 'The Quiet One'

Jonathan presented a video montage documenting his journey as a film maker, starting with his Bentley High School Year 12 video (2012) and continuing with USA Contiki Trip (2015). In 2019, he commenced on a certificate 3 diploma of screen and media, showcasing a local artist. He then went on to produce, direct and edit a high quality mocumentary news piece of a social media blackout. He then did Glitch (producer director and editor) for his final year production, showcasing his skills as an editor using special effects. He was involved producing a video for the city of Redlands bush fire community relief fund raising project and then got involved in his first 48 hour film project as a runner. In October 2020, he did a profile piece of a Georgie Taylor, a local singer songwriter and musician. Jonathan continued his hand at editing, doing an alternative version of The Garden. Jonathan showed us a short edit of convincing laser and light sabre FX which he created in Adobe After Effects. "Luke, I am your father".

Little known facts: Jonathan was responsible for creating BMM's clapper board VFX, and was camera and editor for BMM's 2021 Awards Night hosted at the Elizabeth Street cinema. Not content with producing, directing and editing, he then embarked on various acting roles, the first as a victim in a horror movie, then as a hapless interrogator in Hammer: Unhinged before following it up as an interviewer in the 48 hour film festival project, Peppered Red. His most recent involvement was as a runner in January 2022 for a movie called Ripples.

Like Jenn, it is evident that Jonathan is evolving into a competent film maker by being actively involved in all aspects of film making.

The Eleven Tomorrow's Project

DavidW hosted the 5th meeting of the Eleven Tomorrows. Whilst they don't quite yet have 11 stories, that means that there is time and space to jump in and be a part of this feature film.

Author: Nigel O'Neill



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